If you consult many resources or ask many of your friends and family, you will end up finding yourself more confused than ever.

However, there is one thing that most parents have consensus on – i.e., having a humidifier helps one’s newborns stay happier and healthier.

What does a humidifier do for babies? There are many answers to this question, and yes, all are in their favor.

It is essential to understand how a humidifier works and the types of humidifiers available out there.

We have collected the necessary information about most of these, so you can make the best choice for your child and make the best out of the humidifier you add to your space.

Humidifiers are well-known for their ability to treat congestion and skin dryness. However, when should you use a humidifier for the baby? See our blog to learn everything about it.

Healthy Babies

Any parent would go to any extent to ensure their children remain healthy. From consulting pediatricians, and experts, reading articles, asking another experienced parent, or any other trusted source.

Let’s have a look at the most common concerns that come with an infant or newborn child.

There are more chances of congestion in babies than in adults as their respiratory systems are not developed fully like children or adults.

This means that they can catch the flu or cold more quickly than any average adult.

This can be seen in the fact that when healthcare professionals push everyone for flu shots, they are more adamant about children and senior citizens about this.

Protecting your little one against infection is among the most crucial things that can be done to assure your baby’s healthy and happy growth.

A baby’s skin is also susceptible, given that it is so soft. We lather our babies in baby oils and lotions to keep them moist however; they are still prone to rashes, dryness, and irritation.

Taking time to ensure your baby does not get itchy dry skin with cracks can also reduce the chances of infections largely.

Is It Safe To Have A Dehumidifier In The Bedroom With A Baby
If you have allergies or want to get rid of excessive air moisture, then a dehumidifier is a great option. One of the main features of a dehumidifier is that it helps to control the humidity level according to the user’s needs.

The most commonly prevalent illnesses in babies include constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, and cough.

One big reason common for all is dehydration. While babies have a proper intake of breast milk daily, it does not mean that they can not have dehydration at all.

Infants are also prone to ear infections as the small tube right behind the eardrum has a direct connection with the throat, which gets irritated easily.

Wherever the throat is involved, viruses can quickly attack.

Healthy Babies

Humidifiers and babies

The question remains, are humidifiers good for babies? Yes. Many of the issues mentioned above can be prevented if you use a humidifier in the space your infant stays in.

It is even better if you ensure that the air in the entire house has the right amount of moisture.

Reducing cough in babies

When using a humidifier, the air becomes less dry, and so does your baby’s throat.

A dry throat leads to coughing, and when this remains consistent, it becomes very irritating to the baby, as they do not have the resources or ability to take care of themselves.

You may also visit: Can I Use Eucalyptus Oil In Humidifier For Baby

Keeping babies hydrated

Low levels of moisture in the air cause environmental factors to draw out moisture from one’s body.

Since we swaddle and bundle infants, they often become warm enough to sweat and lose healthy moisture.

Their core temperatures also tend to be slightly more than adults. A humidifier ensures enough amount of moisture in the air to reimburse the water lost by the baby’s system as they breathe.

Preventing Infections

A child’s immune system isn’t very advanced, and they grow a higher susceptibility to getting attacked by germs and infections, and dry air makes the airways dry.

This reduces the formation of mucus and causes minute cracks through which bacteria can quickly move in the system.

A humidifier prevents such cracks and helps the nasals remain lined with mucus that collects any dirt or germs going in to compromise the baby’s health.


Reducing dry, irritated skin

During winters, even lathering baby oils and lotions thrice a day is not enough to prevent the baby’s skin from getting dry, flaky, and itchy.

This is because of the low levels of moisture in the air when the heaters are on. Humidifiers make sure the air is healthier for the baby with a higher moisture level in it.

Is It Safe To Have A Dehumidifier In The Bedroom With A Baby
If you have allergies or want to get rid of excessive air moisture, then a dehumidifier is a great option. One of the main features of a dehumidifier is that it helps to control the humidity level according to the user’s needs.

Congestion relief

Babies have a high susceptibility for congestion as well and can not take over-the-counter drugs to clear that up as adults do.

Nevertheless, humidifiers, particularly vaporizers and warm mist ones, can loosen up the congestion in the baby’s lungs and nose and help them breathe much more comfortably.

Some units also have the option to add a medicated oil that mixes up to benefit the whole family for open lungs.

White noise

This has two benefits. One, the light, repetitive sound like that of a fan’s hum in a humidifier soothes a baby to try to fall asleep, making it less of a task for you.

Two, if your child has a habit of sleeping in absolute silence, any small noise will wake them up. A constant sound buzzing in their room will reduce this.

Denying that a humidifier kept in your baby’s nursery increases the concerns and fears regarding your child’s health is quite tough.

We want the best for our children always. When it comes to humidifiers, they are a great and easy solution to many of the usual problems that arise when we have infants or small kids.

They provide several benefits to the environment, including lowering the dryness in the space they are placed in, preventing the child from irritation and infections and many more.

However, you must be fully informed about all the pros and cons of anything you introduce to your child, and any and every precautionary measure must be taken.

It is better safe than sorry, so always have abundant knowledge about what a humidifier can do for babies.

There are several types of humidifiers for baby congestion. You can know about them in our blog. Consider visiting it.

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