but what if your humidifier gets mold? Instead of preventing contaminants from spreading, it will disperse them into the air affecting your health.

If you neglect regular cleaning, bacteria, microbes, and pathogens will proliferate without stopping. So how to clean a humidifier with mold? In this article, we will share a detailed guide on efficient ways to clean a humidifier with mold and prevent it from growing in the future.

How to Clean A Humidifier With Mold? - Get Rid of Mold

If you do not clean a humidifier, there is a high chance of bacterial and mold breeding, which sometimes seems hard to remove.

The mold growth doesn’t only pose harm to the unit but also causes lung infections, respiratory issues, and severe asthma attacks. Therefore, you must clean your humidifier regularly by following these steps.

Materials Required

You will need these items to clean your humidifier efficiently:

  • White Vinegar
  • Distilled Water
  • Towel
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Bleach
  • Scrub Pad
  • Cleaning Brush

Cleaning Humidifier With Vinegar

Vinegar is a potent chemical for eliminating mold and its spores from spreading inside the humidifier. You can use vinegar in this way to clean humidified with mold:

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  • Remove the outlet of your device and take it somewhere ventilated areas.
  • Disassemble its components, and start with the filter.
  • Wash the filter with plain water without adding any chemicals or cleaning agents.
  • After washing the filter, place it in a well-aerated space to air dry for some time.
  • Detach the reservoir of the humidifier and empty it.
  • Wear protective gear and add 3 cups of concentrated white vinegar to the tank.
  • Shake it well to allow thorough mixing, and let it rest for half an hour.
  • Use a brush to scrub off debris or mold and wipe it with the help of a sponge.
  • Now rinse the interior thoroughly to get rid of all vinegar and its smell.
  • Assemble the separate components and let the humidifier air dry.
Clean Your Humidifier With Bleach

Clean Your Humidifier With Bleach

Chlorine bleach is also effective against mold growth in humidifiers. Here is the right procedure for using bleach:

  • Unplug the socket, disassemble the device parts, and remove the filter.
  • Add a teaspoon of bleach to one gallon of water.
  • Pour half mixture inside the unit's base and the remaining at the sides to cover all areas.
  • For cleaning the exterior, dampen the sponge in the solution and remove stains or unnecessary items.
  • Allow the solution to work for an hour, and then rinse the humidifier with water.
  • Dry all its components before assembling them and turn them on to check if everything is working smoothly.

Disinfect Humidifier With Hydrogen Peroxide

Disinfect Humidifier With Hydrogen Peroxide
Cleaning isn’t enough to get rid of the hazards of microbes and molds, but disinfection using hydrogen peroxide is essential to prevent their growth. Hydrogen peroxide is also effective in getting rid of pink mold in humidifiers.
  • Remove the plug and disassemble your humidifier.
  • Add one part of hydrogen peroxide inside four parts of water. Make sure to add hydrogen peroxide before water.
  • Dip a sponge in the solution and clean the exterior or device.
  • Keep the mixture aside for a half hour, and then add it inside the tank.
  • When all the germs or mold deposits are removed, rinse your unit thoroughly with water till you don’t smell hydrogen peroxide.
  • Attach the parts again and run a test to check the humidifier's performance.

Note: Use only mineral-free or less mineral-containing water to avoid mineral deposition inside the unit to promote mold growth.

How Often Should You Clean A Humidifier to Remove Mold

How Often Should You Clean A Humidifier to Remove Mold?

If you are wondering how often to clean a humidifier to get the best outcome, it is necessary to ensure regular maintenance. Make it a habit to empty the tank and add fresh water daily. The mists adding moisture to your skin come from the water inside the tank. If there is water full of impurities and contaminants, your skin will get severe allergies.

Sometimes the area we live in only has the supply of hard water, which also disrupts the interior of the humidifier and adds unnecessary mineral deposits to cause mold growth.

So, if you are using your humidifier daily, regularly cleaning it will help keep up the best performance.

What Can You Put In Your Humidifier to Clean Mold - Remove Pink & Black Mold

What Can You Put In Your Humidifier to Clean Mold

Here are some of the best solutions or chemicals you can add to a clean humidifier with mold.

  • The most recommended remedy is hydrogen peroxide which is also best for disinfection. It is affordable and best for removing molds and mildew. Almost 3% of hydrogen peroxide is sufficient to kill black mold in humidifiers.
  • White vinegar is also highly efficient, and its use has already been described.
  • In the market, a huge variety of humidifier tablets are available, which can also be used to minimize mold growth. Each time you add water to the tank, don’t forget to add the tablet.

Effective Ways to Prevent Mold Growth in Humidifiers

You can save yourself from the struggle of extensive cleaning of your humidifier by following some preventive measures. These precautions will never let mold grow inside the tank or the device's wall.

Maintain Cleanliness

The first step to keeping your humidifier in good condition is to ensure its regular cleanliness. Always change the water in the tank after every use to prevent mold breeding. It is also advisable to clean the tank once per week to get rid of spores and other deposits of minerals.

Don’t Use Tap Water

We highly recommend using distilled water in your humidifier, as tap water can contain lots of unnecessary minerals. Sometimes hard water also promotes mold growth which you must avoid.

Replace Filters Frequently

Most work is done by the filter of a humidifier which can reduce its efficiency over time. So replace the filters frequently every three months if you face problems such as mold and mildew in your unit.

Store At Right Place

Always keep your device in a dry environment to prevent mold growth. Keeping it in a moist environment absorbs the vapors from the surroundings, enhancing mold growth in the interior and exterior of the humidifier.

Wrapping Up

So, how to clean a humidifier with mold isn’t that complicated, and you can make it easier by regularly cleaning. Adding distilled water, removing old filters, disinfecting with chemicals, and scraping off minerals from the walls of the humidifier are the best solutions to deal with molds.

We hope these tips will guide you thoroughly to clean and maintain your humidifier and ensure the safety of your health.

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